The UGMLC is strongly engaged in the promotion of women in science. It has established active recruitment processes to attract women for all scientific and technical positions on all academic career levels. We strive towards the overall goal of the European Commission to have at least 40% participation of women at all levels including the key scientists’ positions. Pursuing this goal, the UGMLC will profit from a variety of measures/programs in place at JLU/ILH/CPI. The JLU has fully implemented the DFG standards for equal opportunities in research (Forschungsorientierte Gleichstellungsstandards), has received the highest ranking in this category and is certified as Family-Friendly University (“Grundzertifikat Familienfreundliche Hochschule”). Measures regarding equal opportunities and family support offered by the JLU/ILH/CPI include seminars and coaching (mentor/mentee-ships) for female scientists, addressing among other topics the compatibility of work and family, career service for female scientists, dual career service, access to reliable and affordable day-care facilities, flexible nursery for children, and guidance for parents or other family obilgations. The UGMLC makes use of all these measures and additionally set up the following instruments: